
Family Room: Things Coming Together

Since purchasing the new sectional and ottoman, a few months back, I felt like this area really was not finished.  I love both of these purchases.  The ottoman definitely needed a tray (you know I loooove trays), but in this case it really needed one just for its flat surface but the consolidating feature was a bonus.

At the beginning of yard sale season summer, I found a fabulous tray at a neighborhood sale.  The man had $10 on it but I offered $7 and he grabbed the money before I could second guess.  This baby is HEAVY - no lightweight silverplate here.  It's also tarnished, but I don't mind it.  Originally I had intended to use it in the dining room as part of a centerpiece but it seemed just too big and oversized.  Besides, I need my dining room table for junk that has no other home in our house!  So, it sat in the dining room against the wall for 3 months while I pondered its fate.

The other day, I had an epiphany!  The tray could go on the ottoman. Just the right mix of contemporary (the ottoman) and traditional (the tray).  Pretty much exactly my style!  So, I threw it on there and it worked.

Next I plunked on a glass vase that I had just bought last weekend at a flea market, also for $7 (irony?). I saw this vase and although I don't think it is anything particularly special, it just spoke to me.  I had to have it.  People complimented me on it as I carried it around while we shopped for another hour before heading home.

By the way, that's my new Kindle under the artichoke candle.  LOVE that thing but of course, it's now outdated only 3 weeks later.  ARGH!

I love how the tray leaves plenty of room for books, card games, or cars to be run around the ottoman.  I also have enough space to pop my feet up there while I watch my nightly HGTV fix.  It's a tough mix to have functional with pretty so I love when it comes together so nicely.

I'm off to watch Sarah's House on my DVR.  Anyone else watching?  It's Saturday afternoon on HGTV - LOVE her shows!