I toyed with putting a desk in her room but since we finished the den right next door, we figure we'll just wait and see whether she does her homework in there or whether she'll do it at the kitchen counter. I'm thinking the latter until she's in middle school then all bets are off.
So, I started thinking about another dresser since her main dresser is really not big enough with only 3 drawers. Also, the long wall was not really filled. I looked for a dresser for four months. I wanted to keep the one she has but add a wider one with more drawers. I scoured Craigslist and yard sales. I even emailed Cassie to keep an eye out for me. Nothing. Then a few weeks ago, I found this beauty on Craigslist for $50 and only 3 miles away - huge bonus in Northern Virginia!
Yeah... not so beautiful but good potential and generally in decent shape. I started by removing the hardware and sanding the body and drawers as much as possible. Then I realized the bizarre little face plates on the top drawers were plastic and could be popped off easily. I also removed the bling on the bottom. Then two coats of white paint (Sherwin Williams Toque White). I planned to get new hardware but decided to take a thrifty route and try spray painting the existing hardware in Krylon watermelon.
I think it works with her other dresser and looks really great with her striped nightstand.
I'm still working on some other rearranging in her room. Hopefully I can show you the whole thing later this week.
Any great cheap furniture finds recently?
Linking to: Primitive and Proper, Miss Mustard Seed