The sofa and swivel chair are from Sears 3 years ago. I think it was the Country Living line but they still have something very similar. The coffee table was a thrifty find from Goodwill a few months ago - $15 for a hard rock maple table?! Yes, please. This reminds me that I haven't been to a Goodwill in a few months. I need to rectify that this weekend. Of course, when I bought the table, I did not know where I was going to put it. I like the campy feel it has and I love two-level coffee tables because of the extra storage and display space they provide.
I bought this wheeled cooler from Kohls online a few years ago (get 10% off through 6/23/12 using code: Blogger10). It's such a great piece and makes grabbing a cold drink so much more refined!
I still have a lot of decorating left to do in here. I'm going to put my curtains back up I think. I may need to make a trip to Ikea to get another rod or two and I'm not sure when I'll have time to do that. Not for a few weeks I think.
The table is clearly not permanent. I sold the old table at our yard sale earlier this spring. I'm hoping I can make a rectangular table work and plan to put my yard sale proceeds towards a new one. I have my eye on a table at World Market but I'm holding out for a sale or good coupon (let me know if you see one!). I'm hoping to try out my folding table here to get an idea for the size to be sure it will work before I lug it home!
I'm looking forward to temperatures in the 70s this weekend so we can spend lots of time out here. I need to do some big thinking about our landscaping. We definitely need a little more shade and privacy so some strategic tree placement is in order.
Still, it has been so great to eat dinner outside (when it's not pouring rain and thundering!). Handy Hubby has had a couple of opportunities to work from home over the last week and swears he is more productive when he's out there!
Any outside projects in the works? Table shopping?