I probably should have saved this for guest bedroom week in my room-by-room house tour party but I just couldn't wait (and I don't have much else going on here!). Although I loved the bed spread (discontinued from JC Penney - sorry!) and our DIY headboard in our basement guest bedroom, I never liked the bed skirt. That's kind of an understatement - I hated it. It never seemed to fit the bed correctly and always looked cheap and limp. It was the matching skirt for the spread (it was a bed-in-a-bag set) and I really needed a skirt because the bed just has a basic frame (and we occasionally store extra toys from the playroom under there). In short, it wasn't doing anything for the room or the bed.
I had not been looking for a skirt expressly but I was perusing the online clearance at Bed Bath and Beyond a few weeks ago and found a tailored Nautica skirt in brown and blue which seemed like it might work. And it was $9.99 so kind of a no brainer. I finally got around to ironing it and putting it on the bed tonight. It's definitely not high quality but bed skirts definitely don't get a lot of use if you know what I mean.
And here's the new after picture.
It actually fits!!! Woohoo! And really clean looking.
But the fun doesn't end there. In the same BB&B clearance sale, I found four framed sea life prints for $2.99 each. When I bought them I wasn't sure if I would give them to my mom or find a place in our house because I didn't have a spot in mind exactly. But, as I was putting the bedskirt on the bed tonight, I started thinking about the blank wall over the dresser in the same room. Hmmm...
We had originally been thinking about getting a small LCD television for in here because our families (our most frequent visitors) all enjoy TV but there already is another TV right outside in the playroom, maybe it's not necessary at least at this point. We could also hang a TV behind the door if we ever wanted to (and we may). So, I grabbed a hammer and put these guys using just my eyeballs and no level. I got so lucky - only 4 nail holes!
You cannot really tell in these pictures but the frames have a blue-gray tint which picks up the spread color and the prints, of course, have my favorite accent color - orange!
One tip when you are hanging groups of things on a wall: Most wall galleries and groups of pictures on walls look better with smaller yet relatively consistent spacing between the pictures. If you hang them too far apart, they seem disjointed and not part of a real group.
So, the grand total for all of the updates including shipping was $28! Yippee for great deals!! What are your favorite online "clearance racks" for perusing!!