
Elizabeth's Closet Makeover

Elizabeth closet needed yet another makeover.  It was long overdue especially since it generally looked like this most of the time.  Holy cow.

Obviously it wasn't working so something had to be done.  I first pulled almost everything out.  Sorted out things that don't fit any longer and passed along a pile of barely worn shoes to our next door neighbor (a budding mini-fashionista!).  The hanging closet "organizer" wasn't really organizing anything and really was not working for this space.  These can be good for baby's rooms but just don't work well for older children - at least in my opinion.

Next I bought her a shoe cubby from Target and put that together.  I returned all of the shoes that still fit into the cubbies.  Thankfully there were enough spaces!!  I then adjusted the shelves (love Elfa!) so the boxes and baskets would fit in a more organized way.  Finally, I cleaned out all of the baskets which held pajamas and bathing suits and put those back in.  I was able to relocate the sweaters and sweatshirts to her new dresser.  

We even had a basket leftover which we used for slippers (easy to grab and throw in at the end of the day).  We even had room for her baby doll crib (filled with stuffed animal friends!).

The big tub of clothes on the second to the top shelf is all of her winter clothes.  The other bins on the top shelf hold summer clothes that are too big (my little girl is so skinny so it's hard to predict what size is going to work), and the other holds holiday clothes and pajamas - Halloween and Christmas.

I still keep her dresses hung high because I get her clothes out every day.  Amazingly for a 6-year old girl, she really doesn't care what she wears - therefore she generally matches whereas many of her friends don't!

Here's the proud owner.

2 weeks later, the closet still looks the same!  Sounds like a victory in organization!