I even found more ribbon in the dresser that I made over for the room a couple of weeks ago (more on that here). This stuff has been in the attic for a couple of years but still perfectly useable for all sorts of upcoming crafts and gift wrapping.
I corralled everything by making use of the clothing bar which runs the full length of the closet. Fortunately we have Elfa closets in here too, so I was originally going to switch it out for a shorter bar like I did in Alex's closet (more on that here). Instead, I decided to just keep the long bar and use it for my large and most frequently used curling ribbon. It's so easy to pull a long strand and snip off the right amount!
I also cleaned out my gift bag collection and corralled the remaining bags into a basket that I "won" at a school auction last year. It held a collection of children's books before but it's size is ideal for this purpose.
My rolls of gift wrap are still kept in another basket on the other side of the closet. Nothing special so not really worth a photo but I'll try to get one soon! It works really well for me because I like to quickly grab a roll then toss it back in the basket when I'm done!
Any great gift wrapping organization ideas? What are you organizing this week?