The Room-by-Room House Tour is back with yards and landscaping! Basically, we all want to see your outdoor rooms! We love entertaining in our back yard. We don't eat out there that often unless We have worked really hard on our landscaping over the past 2 years since everything that was there before was pretty much destroyed or moved during the renovation. Honestly there wasn't much there before the renovation so there wasn't that much to kill! Still loads to do but we've come a long way!
If you were coming to our house for a party, you would probably come through this gate into the back yard.
Here's the patio. I am really excited about our landscaping filling in. The solar lights are probably going to go this year. They just aren't holding up the way I would like although I like the effect.
Building some sort of cover for the air handlers is on the to-do list. The hydrangeas have really taken off this year.
Then there's the yard itself which is dominated by our play set. We still need to do some work on the grass and we're considering a sprinkler system.
The biggest changes under way in our yard is actually our neighbors' new garage. Here's how it looked as of late last week!
It's big and close but it will provide some great privacy. I'm really looking forward to the new fence and gate between our yards!
Your turn now! Can't wait to see your yards and landscaping projects!! Don't forget to link back to my blog or this page or grab the button below.

Hope you had a great 4th of July! I think we're all still recovering from the block party but it was a fun day and evening!