
About the Artist: My Mom!

If you are a regular HOUSEography reader, you may have noticed a couple of wonderful portraits of my kids, Elizabeth and Alex, in some of my posts about our family room (particularly the corner bookshelf post here and yesterday's dresser post here).  The artist is my mom, Emmy Wilson!  She drew both of those with pastels for us.  She gave us the picture of Elizabeth about 3 years ago and the picture of Alex just this spring.  I love the frames because Elizabeth's is more frilly and girl-y and Alex's is more masculine.  I am sure they will become family heirlooms.

Here are some up close pictures (sorry about the glare on the glass):

She also did a wonderful watercolor painting of Jim and I on graduation day at St. Lawrence University which hangs in the hallway between our kitchen and dining room.  Every time I walk by it, I think about that exciting but bittersweet day!

Next time we go to my parents' house in upstate New York, I'll take more pictures of her work and blog about it.