The kids are headed back to school today after a great summer vacation. Virginia seems to be one of the only southern states not already back in school. I love that my kids are out of school until after Labor Day - it seems to make summer feel so long. Elizabeth is headed to first grade and Alex is headed to the "upstairs" class at his wonderful preschool. Elizabeth is truly excited about not being the youngest in her elementary school! Alex is a bit nervous and does not really understand his friends are also moving up as well, and he gets to do so many more fun things!
In honor of this fun day, I surprised the kids with a quick back to school mantel last night. I used things I had around the house including small fake apples, a bouquet of pencils, lots of books, and glass containers of crayons and scrabble letters.
I'll share some first day of school pictures of my kids on
Facebook later so be sure to check there! I also have to say "hi!" to my reader Caitlin who so kindly introduced herself on the street last night and told me that she loved my blog! So exciting for me!!
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Domestically Speaking