We're back again for another Room-by-Room House Tour Party. This time we're checking in on your guest rooms. Are they guest worthy? Still a work in progress? Hotel perfect? Let's see them!! Even if you just have a nook for guests, let's see it!
We have 2 guest rooms which is really great. Our upstairs guest room is nothing fancy and I really don't love it at all. Definitely the dumping ground for stuff. It's all temporary though because my son will be moving out of his nursery into his big boy room later this year or early next year. There's a picture way at the bottom of my house tour if you are dying to see it.
Our main guest room is actually the smaller of the two but it's in our basement (errr... garden level?) and has its own en suite bathroom. It's barely big enough for the double bed but it works well for our guests so far. Our goal was to make this a cozy and private space for our frequent guests. I think the private bathroom is key for privacy for guests. They love it!
Sources: Headboard - DIY; comforter - JC Penney (discontinued); cream pillows - Target; brown pillow - HomeGoods; orange pillow - Etsy; bedskirt - Bed Bath & Beyond; footstool - Marshalls; night stands - HomeGoods (knobs Anthropologie); dresser - used; sea life artwork - Bed Bath & Beyond; vanity - Home Depot; faucet - Moen Chateau; shower curtain - HomeGoods; bird art - Target; orange towels - Amy Butler (Bed Bath & Beyond); towels - Marshalls; tile - Home Depot.
Now it's your turn! Please be sure to link back or use my button below. Thanks!