Call us crazy, but our house is featured on the Tuckahoe Home & Garden Tour on Saturday, May 22nd from 12-5 p.m. Ours and 7 other houses are on the tour this year which is always super fun and a great way to sneak-a-peek at other people's home renos and gardens.
As we prepare for the tour, we are thinking about ways to show off how far we've come since (we're assuming) most people on the tour will not have been in our house before. We have decided to show a bunch of "before" pics and construction pictures on our big screen TV in the family room.
Homeowners are encouraged not to be home during the tour, but our architect, Kaye Orr, and builder, Jim Cole, will be on hand to answer questions for us. The tour benefits the Tuckahoe Elementary school garden project.
Any other ideas for how we can show off our progress?