Just as I thought we could live with some unfinished projects in our house, we sign on to be featured in the annual Tuckahoe Elementary House Tour on May 22nd. This is an annual home tour in Arlington which generally focuses on renovated homes so people can get ideas on how to renovate their own homes. We are honored to have been asked to be on the tour! Here is more information on the tour and on how to get tickets: http://tuckahoetour.org/
After reading some other house blogs out there, I am now inspired to get back into blogging about our house projects (which have been pushed forward due to the house tour). We still have some fairly major interior projects to work on but generally we are shifting our focus into the backyard which is bordering on disaster in areas. Our dog, Angus, is not helping our progress since he enjoys eating and digging at the mulch!
Lots more posts and pictures to come, so stay tuned!