This week we have made a lot of progress on the mechanicals. Electrical, plumbing and HVAC are all 80-90% done. Jim C. is pushing everyone to be done by the end of this week so that we can get a mechanical inspection done. After that insulation starts and then we do a final close-in inspection, then... DRYWALL!!!
We did a very helpful walk-through with the electrician on Saturday afternoon. We talked about switch locations and cleared up several things which we had questions about. We purchased bathroom fans, ceiling fans, and other light fixtures over the past few weeks, so the electrician knows exactly what he is dealing with. One major question remains over where the kitchen island will be located exactly, so Jim C. is going to build a mock island so it can be located perfectly and the lights can be centered over it.
The siding will also be going up this week and will hopefully be mostly done by the end of the week. They started the siding on the garage before the monsoon weather hit and now they will continue it this week.
Also, since drywall is not far off, paint is not far off either so I am busily trying to pick some possible colors and get some larger color samples. Fortunately our rental house has wonderful natural light and white walls so it's easy to get a good idea for colors without even leaving the living room (good because we have a newborn baby boy!).
More to come on landscaping issues... We have about 9 weeks left until we move back in so let's hope the house is liveable!!!