1) How extensive is the construction? Will it affect your existing kitchen and bathrooms for extended periods of time?
2) How long is construction expected to last? More than 4 months?
3) Do you have kids? Pets?
4) Are short term rentals prevalent in your area?
5) Can you afford the rent and your mortgage payment?
6) Do you deal well with messes and disorganization?
7) Do you or does a family member have dust allergies?
Our builder told us that we could stay in the house but that it would most likely extend construction by 1-2 months. In addition, we have a daughter and a dog, and I'm expecting our second child in May (2 additions in one year may be the end of me!)... The choice was clear. We consider ourselves pretty easygoing but pretty much everyone we have spoken to who has lived in their house during construction has told us to move out. They said that their marriages were already stressed from the hassles of construction, but coming home to a dusty disaster every night (or living in it every day), was almost more than they can handle.
The challenge is to find a place that will work for you and your family for the time you want. I have yet to find a place relatively close to my daughter's daycare but we still have 6-8 weeks until we need to be out of here (mid-February - approximately 6 weeks after the start of construction). I am also checking with real estate agents and property managers in the area. Several have some leads for me and are checking on others. Despite the imminently changing administration, the rental market seems to be pretty weak so properties that are available now are likely still going to be available in January.